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AVENT Pacifiers ULTRA SOFT, 091/31, 2 pcs

  • AVENT Pacifiers ULTRA SOFT, 091/31, 2 pcs

    Code: Avent-SCF091/31

    0-6 mon

    Philips AVENT
  • Let the skin breathe
    Ideal texture for a feeling of comfort
    Respects the natural shape of the palate, teeth and gums
    Sterilization and storage in one box

    How to sterilize the pacifiers
    Part of good pacifier hygiene is frequent cleaning of the pacifiers. The younger the child, the more important it is to protect it from bacteria and to maintain good pacifier hygiene.

    Before first use (when you take the pacifier out of the packaging), sterilize the pacifier by putting it in plenty of boiling water for 5 minutes (like in a pot on the stove where the water will be boiling for the entire 5 min.) Remember to keep an eye on the water level when boiling so that the shield does not burn on the pot. This only applies before first use.

    When cleaning the pacifier subsequently, follow these three simple steps:

    Put the pacifiers in a clean bowl. Pour them with plenty of boiling water.
    Let the pacifiers soak for approx. 5 min.
    Pick them up and let them dry on a clean towel. 
    After cleaning it is not unusual that water remains in the nipple. This is due to the fact that all our pacifier nipples are equipped with a valve, letting out air when the baby closes down on the nipple. This ventilation system causes the air from inside the nipple to be pushed out through the valve thereby flattening the nipple to shape naturally after the baby's oral cavity. The valve is also the reason why water can be present inside the nipple after cleaning and sterilization. If this is the case, simply just squeeze the nipple flat to press out the excess water. If water drops remain in the nipple, just let the pacifier air-dry.

    Do not cook!

    Pacifiers are not meant to be boiled and are therefore destroyed by the high heat. Instead, follow the instructions above, and you are sure to kill the bacteria without compromising the durability of the pacifier.